
Showing posts from August, 2020

Everything happens for a Reason

Did you ever imagine that you would be at a place where you dreamed being many years back?. We dream.. dream..and dream...Sometimes we may accomplish what we wanted to and sometimes not and its okay. When such things happen, try to be bold and strong enough to fight every negative thought which comes into your mind. Negative things just come for free. They do not need any invitation. But as it is said, "Nothing worth having comes easy" Positive things does not come easily. Look at how I am telling "POSITIVE" and not "GOOD" because Good always depends on individuals and positives are the things with which we feel good.  I will go into detail of positive and good later but for now just focus on what I am trying to tell. Whenever you feel you need some energy always appreciate the things around you and your accomplishments. Most importantly focus on what you have rather than passing your valuable time on thinking about what you do not have. If one thing does

Purpose of life

Know your purpose. Your life is designed and gave it to you because there is a purpose. Your purpose will hit you at the right time. Never ever think someone is better than you, You are a creation of God. As I told you before that nothing in this world stays the same. God also don't like doing same things again and again. So he made us different, unique and wonderful.  Why don't we celebrate that. This is our biggest achievement that we are unique. May be we look same, act same, have same body,blood,etc etc. but everyone are unique in this world. If you curse yourself that you don't have any purpose in this universe, let me tell you something today. You might be knowing but I want you to read this again. We all know curd and it is formed by Lactic Acid bacteria(LAB). How much space does LAB occupy or at least how does it look like?. It is very tiny. sooo much tiny that it is not visible with our naked eyes. Yet it is very small, yet it does not occupy any space, it just doe


Sometimes things does not appear as we want. Sometimes we donot get what we want. This makes us low sometimes. This makes me go down down and down. I cannot smile all the time. I cannot feel the same always. Come on!! guys I am a human being. You are too the same. This happens to you too. We all know that at sometime and somewhere you feel broken and every little thing annoys you. You don't feel good of yourself and the people. This is one story. I am here to tell you something. As you came here just to read this, how can I leave you like this. I should make you feel good. Don't worry, I am here for you. See life is all about going from one phase to another. If life stays at one particular thing, would you like it to be like that?. Suppose say, you like eating Sandwich and if I keep giving you the same sandwich everyday. would you like to eat it?. Yeah you may like it but at some point of time, you dont feel like eating it. It is not because you fed up with it but you felt bore


Whatever you want, you will get. This is something we all know and listen. Everyone talk about it but only few believe. You can ask me, How do we tell if we don't believe?.  Yes..again there is a little thing we must understand. One word would change everything. Telling is something which we do when we believe in it or when we know it from others. Believing is something which doesn't need any further confirmations or nothing. It just happens and when we believe in something it is when miracles happen all the way. Okay...sooo there is a law called law of attraction. Many of us know and tell but only few believe in it. It says, if we tell something to the  universe and have a strong desire to make it happen. Also when we work towards it then the universe also helps us to make it happen and present it to you. This is something which is very difficult to understand but once we believe and experience it, trust me you will do wonders. I believed in it and experiencing the fruits of s

Give back

 There is something special you can do in return of what you are grateful in your life. It is by giving back. Whenever you find someone is helping you directly or indirectly, you need to keep telling yourself how to give them back. Whether it is for your school or college you studied or someone who helped you, try to give them back. It is wonderful thing to just give back to others. People around you and me don't show gratitude towards what others did for them. Circumstances and people help us one way or the other. Why can't we just remind ourselves to give them back. Also when you help someone don't expect anything from them. Just give and always be grateful to the things around you. Be simple and always help.


 I am the result of what I think. I do believe in it. There is nothing in this worl which would do things for you until you take an initiative. Your thoughts are the results of what you want in future and vice versa. If you think everything is possible then everything is possible. If our mind by default has that capacity of analysing things and making as well as choosing thoughts accordingly then world would become the best place to live in.  This is life and it is how it is lived. Give everyone a chance to express themselves. Be that platform for everyone where they can just share anything they want for you. A platform doesnot mean just a platform be that alive space called ,"Platform" for everyone around you. Happiness or anything that you want doesnot come just like that. You should make your thoughts pure and better everyday. You should keep doing something for that thought to make it alive. This is life and it is how it should be lived and let live..!!


 Hey....hey heyyy...hey heyyy heyyy... Helooo hello helloooo!!  Hi hi hi hi... Hello namaste vanakam adaab!!  Why am I writing this? Don't worry I am here again with something interesting. Did you see how many times I have repeated the same word "hey". Then I again repeated "hello" and again "hi". It was very boring for me when I wrote it and you felt the same too. Or you would have thought why am I writing it again and again. Then I wrote the same word in different languages which I know. It was interesting and new to read right? If it is normal also it's okay. When I repeated a word many times you thought there is nothing and felt it as boring. Isn't it? When I relate this to our lives, there would be something which you and me are doing since childhood or think about something repeatedly. What does you and I gain with it? Nothing right. We just make our lives so boring doing the same thing over and over again. Why do we do that? It is becaus


It is raining today and from few months.  It was sunny few months back. We all were scorching in that heat. It was winter season many months back. Why am I saying this? Don't think I am insane. I am coming up with a really valid point. I am talking about something...right!! Yeah then I realized these are sooooo called "seasons". They come and go. Few make us happy, few make us irritating, few keep us warm. This cycle repeats throughout we live. If we relate seasons to our lives, they teach us many things. Life is a cycle and a mixture of many things. It makes us feel good sometimes, not good sometimes, happy sometimes, weary sometimes, lonely sometimes, afraid sometimes, active sometimes and many many things.....!! Life is not same everytime isn't it?. It gives us new experiences everytime. It always makes us new, feels new and behaves new. Life changes. But we take many changing things granted thinking that it won't change and assume it will never change. This ma

Keep it simple

 As we started from alphabets and came into algebra, we know that we are it was complicated at some point of time. Let's say at the age of 4 or 5, alphabets looks tricky and they were the most complicated ones. As time passed, they were not as tricky as they were when you and me were small. Again now algebra looks difficult. But it might become the easiest one someday who knows.  This is life. At some point of time, few things seems complicated. It is not that they were complicated, we and the people around us taught us to make this complicated. After some time we again realize  that what we did or thought were not the same. Now things start becoming easier.  Keep everything simple. Don't make it complicated. They all are for our ease that we overthink. Keep it simple and look at the beauty.

Dance with life

Life is a mode where we have to live. It is by default made. But we people don't live life. We just exist in it. Every non living thing exist in life. So it doesnot makes sense if we just exist. We must live life and for this we need to appreciate our living. Be happy for your existence and start living. Living is something which many of us don't do. When we start living, we see the beauty in every little thing around us. We feel happy of even a small thing. We must not expect anything from others rather we need to give others. It may be a little thing to do but this little thing you did is making a little difference to somewhere there. This is life. If we dance with our own little things every thing around the world will start admiring and this is the way life is to be lived and let live. Dance dance and dance with every beautiful little thing and it will become the best world of you. Again your ultimate goal is to love yourself and dance with your own values and live to make

It's Okay

Things doesnot remain same everyday. Life is all about exploring new things. When we have something with us which is new to us, we often become panic or uncomfortable. This is because we are alien to that particular thing. It may be good or bad. Again nothing is good or bad it all depends on your thought process. Whenever things make you uncomfortable, please do that. It can make you uncomfortable today but it is the most wisest thing you have ever done. Be that risk taker. Take initiative to do things. People may come forward seeing someone being forward. Always be in "trying" mode. Always try new things and also be open for everything because when you try things they may work or not. But how you take it into you will definitely makes a difference. Always be ready to make mistakes. We are human beings comeon!! We are eligible to do mistakes. We have every right to do mistake and it's okay to make mistakes. It's okay for every silly thing you do and it is again your l

Life lessons Pakoda taught me!!

One day when I was very keenly observing my mom while she was making pakodas, I thought it is very simple and thought why my mom always tells me to stay away from it. I went to mom and presented my interest in making them. She said "No" but it was no time that my mom was convinced. She gave me the flour and said to wait until the oil gets heated up and carefully drop that mixed wet flour. I readily went with so much of energy as I thought it is very easy. I dropped some flour into the hottt oil. I suddenly took my hand out of that. My mom was watching me as if saying me that it is not soo easy. I again dropped it keeping my hand at some height and dropped that flour. The oil sputtered out. My mom was shouting and telling that it is not that easy. But I anyhow continued to do it. My mom then said to keep my hand closer at some inches distance and drop. I did but again lifted my hand and again the oil was jumping and playing with me. I was so afraid of the hot oil and gave it t


There are innumerable things in this whole world which makes us happy. But we don't consider it and hence we lack that ability to find happiness. According to me we should never find happiness. It is within us. See for example, if a kid smiles at you, you have a smile automatically by default. This is happiness. If you are not happy also just try to smile. Smile forcefully and see you would feel lighter than before and you will find reasons to be Happy. Always find reasons. This world is full of happiness. If you want to be happy just observe people and Nature then you will understand that everything in this world has some purpose. You too have a purpose to live and hence you are living on this earth. Even a small microorganism in curd has a purpose and it always works towards that and hence we must also do concentrate on our purpose. If you are confused about your purpose, I would give a small tip kind of thing which would help you as it helped me a lot and lot. If you are confuse