Dance with life

Life is a mode where we have to live. It is by default made. But we people don't live life. We just exist in it. Every non living thing exist in life. So it doesnot makes sense if we just exist. We must live life and for this we need to appreciate our living. Be happy for your existence and start living. Living is something which many of us don't do. When we start living, we see the beauty in every little thing around us. We feel happy of even a small thing. We must not expect anything from others rather we need to give others. It may be a little thing to do but this little thing you did is making a little difference to somewhere there.

This is life. If we dance with our own little things every thing around the world will start admiring and this is the way life is to be lived and let live.

Dance dance and dance with every beautiful little thing and it will become the best world of you. Again your ultimate goal is to love yourself and dance with your own values and live to make others also dance to the amazing music called "life".


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