Purpose of life

Know your purpose. Your life is designed and gave it to you because there is a purpose. Your purpose will hit you at the right time. Never ever think someone is better than you, You are a creation of God. As I told you before that nothing in this world stays the same. God also don't like doing same things again and again. So he made us different, unique and wonderful. 

Why don't we celebrate that. This is our biggest achievement that we are unique. May be we look same, act same, have same body,blood,etc etc. but everyone are unique in this world.

If you curse yourself that you don't have any purpose in this universe, let me tell you something today. You might be knowing but I want you to read this again. We all know curd and it is formed by Lactic Acid bacteria(LAB). How much space does LAB occupy or at least how does it look like?. It is very tiny. sooo much tiny that it is not visible with our naked eyes. Yet it is very small, yet it does not occupy any space, it just does its work. It is its purpose and if God has given this tiny thing a purpose, don't you think he might have given us more bigger task and purpose to do. Absolutely yess..!!!

We all have a purpose and we must be grateful for that. Right things happen at right time for right people.

So Don't worry. Keep a smile on your face always. You look good while smiling:)


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