
 Hey....hey heyyy...hey heyyy heyyy...

Helooo hello helloooo!! 

Hi hi hi hi...

Hello namaste vanakam adaab!! 

Why am I writing this?

Don't worry I am here again with something interesting. Did you see how many times I have repeated the same word "hey". Then I again repeated "hello" and again "hi".

It was very boring for me when I wrote it and you felt the same too. Or you would have thought why am I writing it again and again.

Then I wrote the same word in different languages which I know. It was interesting and new to read right? If it is normal also it's okay.

When I repeated a word many times you thought there is nothing and felt it as boring. Isn't it?

When I relate this to our lives, there would be something which you and me are doing since childhood or think about something repeatedly. What does you and I gain with it? Nothing right.

We just make our lives so boring doing the same thing over and over again. Why do we do that?

It is because we never came out of our comfort zone. Comfort zone is something which makes you comfortable and boring. If you want to make yourself interesting or know interesting things about life then you need to come out of that. How are we going to come out of that? It is as simple as you are breathing now.

Just keep everything around you new. Keep yourself new. When we have new things with us. What do we do? We try to know more about it or just keep looking at it with spark in our eyes.

This is what we do. Apply same thing here in your life. Make it new. Make every second of our lives new and create it, explore it.

Don't be the boring one or just normal. Everyone is normal. Make a difference out of you and know yourself first. Happy living:)


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