Everything happens for a Reason

Did you ever imagine that you would be at a place where you dreamed being many years back?.
We dream.. dream..and dream...Sometimes we may accomplish what we wanted to and sometimes not and its okay. When such things happen, try to be bold and strong enough to fight every negative thought which comes into your mind. Negative things just come for free. They do not need any invitation. But as it is said, "Nothing worth having comes easy" Positive things does not come easily. Look at how I am telling "POSITIVE" and not "GOOD" because Good always depends on individuals and positives are the things with which we feel good. 
I will go into detail of positive and good later but for now just focus on what I am trying to tell. Whenever you feel you need some energy always appreciate the things around you and your accomplishments. Most importantly focus on what you have rather than passing your valuable time on thinking about what you do not have. If one thing does not happen there would be something more better than the previous one. Always remember that everything happens for a reason. God is fair to everyone and it is the reason he is called as "GOD". Always love yourself because at the end of the day, you will be with yourself and no one in this world knows you better than yourself. 
Okay you might say that what I dreamed was even more better than what I have now then how can I just be happy and tell to myself that everything happens for a reason?
Yeah this happens to you, me and everyone may be in this world but let me tell you my thought.
It may be the best but not best for you. God has many surprises for you. OK!!!!
If what you are doing is not best for you may be the path which you lead is correct or the destination which you will reach may be the bestest who knows?. You donot know what your tomorrow will bring right?. So it is better to invite the chiefguest of our life"GOOD" we must make it feel good and to invite it , we must appreciate ourselves. 
First be happy with whatever you have and miracles will happen today or tomorrow but it will happen.
Enjoy the journey which you are leading which may result to a wonderful destiny.
Always find reasons to be happy:)..
Okay now smile:). You look good while smiling:)


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