Life lessons Pakoda taught me!!

One day when I was very keenly observing my mom while she was making pakodas, I thought it is very simple and thought why my mom always tells me to stay away from it.
I went to mom and presented my interest in making them. She said "No" but it was no time that my mom was convinced.
She gave me the flour and said to wait until the oil gets heated up and carefully drop that mixed wet flour. I readily went with so much of energy as I thought it is very easy. I dropped some flour into the hottt oil. I suddenly took my hand out of that. My mom was watching me as if saying me that it is not soo easy. I again dropped it keeping my hand at some height and dropped that flour.
The oil sputtered out. My mom was shouting and telling that it is not that easy. But I anyhow continued to do it. My mom then said to keep my hand closer at some inches distance and drop. I did but again lifted my hand and again the oil was jumping and playing with me. I was so afraid of the hot oil and gave it to mom that I am not going to do this. My mom took it and said come here let me tell you a story of life.
Seee life is not easy like the hot oil you are seeing. But life can be easy if there is something special in it. Now see people or things are like hot oil. If you drop this flour into the oil with fear or angry or hate or any ill feeling, it will give back the same to you.
And if you try to give some love, and slowly drop it then it wouldnot disturb you.
This is life and this is how pagodas are made.
This one act of kindness or knowledge I got from my mom from the pakoda making process is lovely.

Love is what others want. Try to find time to show love towards others and make life simply amazing.


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