
It is raining today and from few months. 
It was sunny few months back. We all were scorching in that heat. It was winter season many months back.
Why am I saying this? Don't think I am insane. I am coming up with a really valid point.
I am talking about something...right!!
Yeah then I realized these are sooooo called "seasons".
They come and go. Few make us happy, few make us irritating, few keep us warm.
This cycle repeats throughout we live. If we relate seasons to our lives, they teach us many things.
Life is a cycle and a mixture of many things. It makes us feel good sometimes, not good sometimes, happy sometimes, weary sometimes, lonely sometimes, afraid sometimes, active sometimes and many many things.....!!
Life is not same everytime isn't it?. It gives us new experiences everytime. It always makes us new, feels new and behaves new. Life changes.
But we take many changing things granted thinking that it won't change and assume it will never change. This makes our lives old, boring and not interesting. 
If we once know the fact that life isn't the same. It has it's own cycle. It always takes a new form and present us to surprise us and make us happy& strong.
Nothing is granted. Don't take anything for granted. We came with nothing and we go with nothing.
You may also ask, Are good things not permanent?. Will they change?
I would say, "Yes". Life gives you an opportunity everytime it comes with something new and observes what you are doing with it. If you accept everything with an open mind and welcome it. It feels good and try to give you many many surprises everyday and if you remain the same old, boring, taking for granted person; it will never give you blend of crazy new experiences.
Understand life and it will give you a meaning.


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