Balloon story

Long time ago, there was one moment which I want to share with you all. I joined Art of living under YES+ program guided and lead by Aditya ji I learnt many things from yes+. It made me better. Kriyas, aditya ji ke baathe, niharika dii ke yoga postures, many activities we all do together and learn something out of it is truly a blessing. 

I became a better person mentally after joining yes+.

One of the memories which I remember is this. It changed me. I loved that activity. Let me share this with you.

This was an activity. It was like a social experiment about earning money.

We were told to collect 400 out of 140 in our hands.

We started with different ideas but as we approached people to ask for some work many of them did not respond well. But everytime we were being rejected somewhere we thought that something best is going to happen.

I dont know how this idea came to Nikhil annaya's mind. We bought few chocolates and balloons😄😄....isn't it funny ?yes it was!! It was crazy indeed.

We blowed them and made a plan that we would sell it for 10 rupees each. We went to people who are having their small children with them and started asking them to buy them. We felt embarrassed at one point where they looked at us in a different way. But we moved on and sold all the balloons.

We don't know any of them, we met all the strangers but all these strangers helped us.

(We were given a task. We were seperated into team of 7 members. All should carry 20 rupees each and this way every team will have 140 rupees and within 1 and half hour we should come with 400 rupees. We should never approach to the people we know and should not call them was the condition)

At last our team had 263 rupees. Others got 3000+ rupees😄 . We dont know how they did and among all the teams our team had least score. Aditya sir and varshini mam told few things but I was not listening to them at one point of time because I was thinking, feeling bad  and comparing  about the money which we earned to others. I didn't feel good but later after coming to the hostel, I told to myself that if we did this it is because God wanted us to do it and whatever he does, it has some reason. Then I started thinking what we did. The movie of what we did was going on in my mind at one time something flashed..... what was that?...I rewinded and again started watching the movie suddenly I paused. Yess!!!I found it😄

It was the smile of children that I earned which is priceless and no one in this world can buy it. It was their smile when a balloon is dancing before them. It is the bright eyes of those small children and the happiness of their parents seeing their children happy is the thing I earned and 😂 money is "bebbbe" here....!!!I

f I would have thought of money and all I would not be able to see that bright innocent eyes of kids and their little heartful smile😍🥰wowwww !!!!!!!!!

This is what everytime my God tells me and I know he has a reason for everything.

I Thank God😇

I Thank Nikhil anna for the idea and team mates asha and sindhu &especially Varshini mam and Aditya ji.


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