Dare to laugh!

 You know why people go to grounds especially the old people just to laugh?

It is because laughing is an exercise which makes our body and mind strong and energetic.

You do not know your laugh would let others laugh. I have seen a video many days ago where a man in a train was laughing looking at his phone watching a comedy scene and the others who were seeing it were also laughing.

Did he say all of them to laugh?

He just did it right?

It is said that we should not laugh loud. Especially when girls laugh immediately someone jumps in and says you are a girl don't laugh. I don't know where these alien people come from.

Hahahah. But we should laugh. All our nervous system energizes when we laugh. Your laugh might also energize someone else too!!

So why late...keep laughing as louder as you can. 


  1. 😄😄 Yes Shivani akka !! Let's laugh as louder as we can and make others laugh.


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