In search of!!

 In search of inspiration,

I have walked through the streets,

Looking at all the flowers & trees around,

But couldn't find anything inspiring.

In search of inspiration,

I read top 5 inspiring books,

Also watched many inspiring movies.

This didnot inspire me.

In search of inspiration,

I have talked to people around,

Tried to draw inspiration,

But couldn't withdraw anything!!

In search of inspiration,

I have tried everything around me,

I went here and there,

I haven't find it anywhere.

But one day, 

when I looked into the mirror,

I smiled,

Told to the person in the mirror,

In search of inspiration,

I forget to look into you. 

I went here and there

but couldn't see that you even exist!!

When you can become your own inspiration,

You actually inspire others!!

We search here and there for inspiration but do not notice what actually is within us which can make us inspiring.


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