
Showing posts from June, 2021

No one remembers!!

 You might be surprised looking at the title. It is not that serious thing which I am going to express. Whenever you talk in the public or do something, you might feel as if everybody is looking at you, staring at you and are going to remember what you exactly did. is never gonna happen my dear. We were taught this in Art of Living. The same I am putting into my thoughts. Do you know who was the first person who won the Nobel prize? May be few people know. If I ask, do you know who the person was who got 2nd Nobel prize in literature in the year 1988? Very few will remember. If I ask you what is the name of the person who sat beside you in one of the train journeys or in a function 5 years back. Do you remember it? No right!!! The same happens with people around you. You will never be remembered much all the time. It is only the closest people you move on with will remember you or think of you. Stop worrying of what people will think. Keep doing what you are doing. Now, please

Another song!

 Listen to this song today... This is one of my favourite songs. Hope you will like it. We just love ourself just the way we are that's it! That's it for today. Now, smile a little..little..very little...😁


You cannot do this Shivani! You don't know how to do Shivani! Rehne do...tumhri bas ki baat nahi! Tum kuch ni kar sakthi------ I listen to them many times. It is not just your relatives, it is anyone around us who can do this. They can break you, judge you, frighten you. You need to choose which is good for you. Are you even going to spend your valuable time thinking about this?  Is it even necessary? No right!!!! We give our time to negative thoughts that is the reason they occupy more than half percent in our brain. If you can be positive about anything which is happening in your life. That is enough. When you shift your thoughts towards positive then only you can reduce thinking negative. I don't think whether I am making sense or not and it's okay.  Let others be the way they are! You just be the way you are ! You are precious and no one is like you! Be proud of that! You can go and smile in the one will see. Just smile and you end up laughing 😂😂😂😂 Now p

I just texted..

You do not know, one act of kindness can make someone feel special and happy. You do not really know this. I just texted one of my friends one day. She said that I was the only one who keeps checking on her whether she is doing good or not. I don't know but I keep checking on her because she was there with me at some point of time and she made my time happy. She made me feel special. She was caring and loving that time. She was happy that I remember her. This is what happens in our lives too. We forget to talk to people. We forget to connect to them. Try doing it, you will feel good.  Now give a broad happy smile and check on your dear ones with whom you have not talked since many days:)

Listening to what....?!

 Listening to what heart says... There are many instances in our life, where we feel stuck, confused and worried. This happens to everyone. So donot worry too much. This happens to Elon Musk, Ambani, Narayana Murthy, you, me and even my pet. (Hehehehhe) This happens to everyone. What makes them different from us is that we spend lot of time thinking why we are thinking this way where as they just don't give a damn thought about this. They just keep going and thinking of their goals.  We should choose, what is important for all of us. I can choose what I want. You can choose what you want. This will drive us. To choose and stick to it is another big thing which we consider as a challenge.  When you have two choices where you like the work and get less paid another where you donot like the work and get highly paid. Choose what your heart likes, it is when you give respect to your heart. It is when you become far better than others. If others are running, it is not at all a rule that

Smile more!!

 Smile more when you don't know something. Smile more when you have not presented your work perfectly. Smile more when others don't see what you are seeing! Smile more when challenges say I want you. Smile more when everything around you turns negative. Smile more when you fell down. Smile more when others judge you. Smile more when you are not treated well. Smile more when you are not respected for what you are! Smile more... When you smile, you make yourself positive. You make your inner self know that everything is going to be alright. No matter how the world around you is, when you know what you are! When you know what you can do. It is all you who can change anything. Whatever comes will come. Do not let the external factors decide your behavior. You are worthy! You do not know that. I cannot tell you. It is you who need to define who you are! Now..please smile more no matter what:)