Smile more!!

 Smile more when you don't know something.

Smile more when you have not presented your work perfectly.

Smile more when others don't see what you are seeing!

Smile more when challenges say I want you.

Smile more when everything around you turns negative.

Smile more when you fell down.

Smile more when others judge you.

Smile more when you are not treated well.

Smile more when you are not respected for what you are!

Smile more...

When you smile, you make yourself positive. You make your inner self know that everything is going to be alright. No matter how the world around you is, when you know what you are! When you know what you can do. It is all you who can change anything.

Whatever comes will come. Do not let the external factors decide your behavior. You are worthy! You do not know that. I cannot tell you. It is you who need to define who you are!

Now..please smile more no matter what:)


  1. Agreed akka, Thank you for this beautiful blog, yes smile is everything, inspiring one ❤

  2. A smile on our face can replace anything tnq akka for this beautiful blog


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