A song

 There is a song from the movie Imtihan which I listened in Radio when I was at my Grandfather's home. When the song played, I don't know which song that was that time. My Grandfather and Grandmother started humming, singing and adding the words they remember in the song. We were all very surprised seeing that. When the song stopped playing they were still humming it and feeling it. I asked what is special in that song. It is just like the other songs. That time every song was same for me๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Then they explained that it is the meaning of the song which makes it special. Everything is just like the other thing in this world but what makes it special is how it is been defined. It is as simple as that. They taught me this at a very young age but I was very little kid to understand it. I now realise how beautiful they told me the way of living life.

The song was "Ruk Jana nahi". Try listening to it and you will know. 

That's it for today๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Now, please smile.


  1. Yes akka,
    Even I too seen the all situation In a same way.from past 20 days I am feeling every situations.
    That's because of your advice akka ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


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