
Many of us don't like to be treated as kids. When our parents give advice or tell us to do something, we actually get reluctant for it. Why?. They are telling things for our own benefit right. Then why do we don't listen to them. We keep lot of expectations from them but havenot you thought someday that they became parents at the same time when we born. They also don't know anything. They became parents the moment you came on this earth. They are trying to care and love you. They always think about you and how to make you a better person. Because one day you will become parent and you will take the responsibility. 
Always show empathy towards your parents. They are the true people in our life who really cares about you. They might have their own way of bringing you up. Always respect them. Sometimes they may not think the way you are thinking and it's okay. You must be their best friend. You must always talk about the world, your friends, and things you came across. This way you will create or build a connection directly into your parents hearts.
Trust me!! This is hard but once you do it you will understand. If you be by their side nothing in this world seems harder.
Things become easy. Always make them smile. Treat them as your friends. 
Now please smile. You look good smiling:)


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