
Showing posts from September, 2020

One which dwells in you

 There is something in you which always takes care of you. If you hurt it, it will stay the same. If you make it, it will stay the same. If you break it, it will stay the same. Whatever you do , it will never judge you. It just keeps on pumping litres and litres of blood to make you alive throughout the day, days, months, years and decades. It is your heart my friend. Yess..!! It is our heart. Why don't we learn from it?. It is the one who cares for us. Loves us. Why don't we care for it and love it?. Most of us don't do this. Very few will do. And it is good to spend time for your heart. Listen to it. It will give you the best of the world. Just listen to your heart every second. Love it as much as you can and now please smile. You look good while smiling:)

Nothing& Everything

 I read a wonderful book of Matt Haig which tells about the minute things in our life which would make us better. One of the sentences I loved is, " You are Nothing and Everything. You are a single moment and all eternity". Look at the sentence how beautiful it is. It is powerful as well. We are nothing once we think and we are everything once we think. It is all about thinking. Thinking makes our life easy and hard. The author says that we all are composed of million and trillions of cells in our  body. We are whole universerse within ourself. So why do we think we are nothing? It is pointless. You are a whole universe. Embrace it. Now smile, the whole universe want you to smile:)

Never tellšŸ¤«

 We all are very good at tellinggothers what we did. We are very good at telling our stories passionately. I know we all love ourself so much that we cannot stop telling this to others. But when we start telling about ourself, it must always be about ourself not what we did for others. When we do something for others, we must forget it. When someone help us, we should never forget it and try to always thank them. This is tricky but let me tell you simply. Human being is manufactured to help others and do good to them. We should always help them. When we help, we must keep the mindset of tracking what we did. This is a very bad habit according to me. When we track things, we cannot enjoy the fruits  of satisfaction of helping others. So let it go. Be like air which exists but is invisible. Be like air which soothens your mind with the cool breeze but is invisible. Be like air which touches you but is invisible. This is life and this is how we must live. Now smile, it is invisible for me

You are special

 He has good time. He leads a luxurious life. She has good ornaments. She has good people. They have so much money......blah!! Blah!! This is the way we always tell about others. This is the way we always compare. We always think others are good. We always try to see greatness in others. It is good to see greatness in others. But not the way which would harm you. We should never compare them with us or anyone. Everyone has their own way of living life. We must get inspired with it not jealous. Everyone in this world has greatness. Few knew it or express it earlier and few donot. Once we think about others we must think about us. This body which is taking care of you needs appreciation. You must be happy for who you are. You need to respect yourself and then people will respect you.  You be yourself. You are special and you make a difference in this world. Be humble and love yourself. Be happy for what you are. That's it. Never compare. You are unique and special. Now smile please.

I was mature enough

 I used to be a very good student in my school. I was the topper of my class. There would always be the competition of ranks and when I would get the first rank I would feel if I conquered the world. It was something else. But all my fellow classmates used to yell at me or used to talk about me behind my back. I didnot have a good friend in my school. No one used to like me. I was very happy that these things didnot matter me at that time. I was mature enough to keep myself motivated always. Every competition I used to participate, I didnot get any prize. There were very few. I always used to tell myself that something bigger is going to come on my way. I used to get very few appreciations. My teachers used to support me a lot. My principal always used to give me suggestions. She always used to tell good words about me. I was happy that my teachers were at my side always. My class mates used to doubt the way I was studying. As you all know people always find a fault if they want to and


Many of us don't like to be treated as kids. When our parents give advice or tell us to do something, we actually get reluctant for it. Why?. They are telling things for our own benefit right. Then why do we don't listen to them. We keep lot of expectations from them but havenot you thought someday that they became parents at the same time when we born. They also don't know anything. They became parents the moment you came on this earth. They are trying to care and love you. They always think about you and how to make you a better person. Because one day you will become parent and you will take the responsibility.  Always show empathy towards your parents. They are the true people in our life who really cares about you. They might have their own way of bringing you up. Always respect them. Sometimes they may not think the way you are thinking and it's okay. You must be their best friend. You must always talk about the world, your friends, and things you came across. Thi


 I realized now that how powerful now is. We might just think about our future goals. Did we ever thought what are we doing right now?. Have we ever questioned?. People around us and things around us are not always permanent. We should be happy for this moment and celebrate it because we only have if for now. Not now then when? Celebrate every second you live on this planet. Tomorrow is never promised to anyone. Have as many good memories for you. Have something good for you always. Live in present. Don't ruin it. Now smile, you look good when you smile:)


 Everything going around is something which will happen and it is written. Where is it written? In a book, on land, in air where? Where is it written?.. I too don't know the answer. May be it is the phrase we use often just to tell that whatever happens is only for the benefit of us not our neighbours. In general, we make things complicated. We make them so difficult that we don't realise that there is nothing like that there. It is we who judge things. It is we who make things difficult. They are as simple as a beautiful rose flower. Rather than having the rose we always seee the thorns around it. This is what happens. When we realize this, you will be doing miracles. If something is happening around you, let it happen. Don't take it to your mind or heart. Whether it may be pleasing you or not pleasing you. If you are pleased, you become attached. If you are not pleased, you become sad. Both are not good for our mental health so it is better to keep them at a distance. Alw


 The name itself tells the power of it. When we appreciate someone, they feel good and we too right!! Don't you think there would be something in this world which helps someone, which heals someone. Yess!! It is appreciation which makes things happen in favour of us. We don't believe in something until we realize or until there would be an example given. Okay..!! Here I am with an example of real situation. Today I called my sisters who stay in another state. They are little ones. I love them a lot. Their cute words are enough for my heart to be happy. There was a shouting going on. We were on Video call and they were fighting. Little one is like me. She gets angry easily and when I was shown to her. She was giving me a serious look. I was like "Oh my God". These little one look more and more cute when they are angry. I said her hey you are looking beautiful. That's it, that angry face turned into a smiling one. Her mood changed and she became cool. I don't kn