I was mature enough

 I used to be a very good student in my school. I was the topper of my class. There would always be the competition of ranks and when I would get the first rank I would feel if I conquered the world. It was something else. But all my fellow classmates used to yell at me or used to talk about me behind my back. I didnot have a good friend in my school. No one used to like me. I was very happy that these things didnot matter me at that time. I was mature enough to keep myself motivated always.

Every competition I used to participate, I didnot get any prize. There were very few. I always used to tell myself that something bigger is going to come on my way. I used to get very few appreciations. My teachers used to support me a lot. My principal always used to give me suggestions. She always used to tell good words about me. I was happy that my teachers were at my side always.

My class mates used to doubt the way I was studying. As you all know people always find a fault if they want to and same happened with me. Everyone used to tell that I mugged up things. I just used to tell myself " Karne do unki manmaani". I am glad that I was this mature that time. Final exams completed, results came. I was the first among my classmates and the entire school too. No one broke that record. I was glad and that moment was my achievement. This is when I told myself that this was the big thing which has to come and it came. Lots of appreciations, celebrations happened. Everyone were happy. I gave answers to the people who told I mugged up. I did not care what they told to me. For that moment of maturity I am thankful to myself. 

This is life and it is all about being yourself. You do not need to depend on someone else's opinion on you. Don't ever do that. Be yourself and do something which would help yourself. Have pure thoughts in you saying that I will do it and I am going to be on myself every single second.

This entirely changed my story. I am glad that I was mature from my mind.

Sometimes you need to wait.  Sometimes you do not get it but be patient. Have some hope and live your moment. You will do miracles.

Now smile please. You look good smiling:)


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