You are special

 He has good time. He leads a luxurious life. She has good ornaments. She has good people. They have so much money......blah!! Blah!!

This is the way we always tell about others. This is the way we always compare. We always think others are good. We always try to see greatness in others. It is good to see greatness in others. But not the way which would harm you. We should never compare them with us or anyone. Everyone has their own way of living life. We must get inspired with it not jealous. Everyone in this world has greatness. Few knew it or express it earlier and few donot. Once we think about others we must think about us. This body which is taking care of you needs appreciation. You must be happy for who you are. You need to respect yourself and then people will respect you. 

You be yourself. You are special and you make a difference in this world. Be humble and love yourself. Be happy for what you are. That's it.

Never compare. You are unique and special.

Now smile please. You look good smiling:)


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