
 The name itself tells the power of it. When we appreciate someone, they feel good and we too right!!

Don't you think there would be something in this world which helps someone, which heals someone. Yess!! It is appreciation which makes things happen in favour of us.

We don't believe in something until we realize or until there would be an example given. Okay..!! Here I am with an example of real situation. Today I called my sisters who stay in another state. They are little ones. I love them a lot. Their cute words are enough for my heart to be happy.

There was a shouting going on. We were on Video call and they were fighting. Little one is like me. She gets angry easily and when I was shown to her. She was giving me a serious look. I was like "Oh my God". These little one look more and more cute when they are angry. I said her hey you are looking beautiful. That's it, that angry face turned into a smiling one. Her mood changed and she became cool. I don't know how powerful is my appreciation but yeah it made a difference to that little one.

Always make sure to appreciate someone. You must not make it up. It should be from your heart and see the magic it creates. It feel good when someone smiles because of you. Right!!

So..I have this for today. Now please smile. You really look good when you smile.

Keep smiling:)


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