

Change is unexpected but leaves a great impression. If there is no change there would be no butterflies. Caterpillar looks ugly and most of us don't like it. But when this caterpillar itself becomes a Butterfly. It looks so beautiful and everyone starts admiring it. This is “Change". Change is Beautiful and admirable.

Now if you are in any problem or facing most drastic condition; Trust me, it will change and this change will give you a better peaceful life. Just as a Beautiful Butterfly comes out of an ugly caterpillar. Your lives will also change from worse to best.

When an old leaf falls, new leaf rise. Past mistakes ends and new thing starts. Growth is change. Remember, if something is changing in your life, it means you are growing. If we sow a seed in earth. It starts germinating and grows into a sapling, a plant and then a big tree. When it is sown it is in dark, in mud inside the earth and as it grows it travels from darkness to light. In the same way, if God kept you in darkness it has some reason. Remember it's a journey from darkness to light. You are going to experience light too. It means you are going to experience the best after the worst.

Change is a journey from darkness to light.

According to me; If there is no change, there is no growth & if there is no growth, there is no life.

Change add beauty to our lives. Accept, learn from it and move on 😇


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