Every second..!

 I wasted much of time just bothering about the past or the future. I donot even noticed that I was moving here and there from past to future and forget to be in the present. The present, which I dwell now. The present which is a present for me. The present which will never come again. The present which will become past in another second. The present which will decide my future. 

Thinking about unnecessary things, we have forgotten living the beautiful present. Which just goes and never stops. We can get it only now. 

There are people in this world who are struggling a lot to just get some air from ventilator on hospital beds. There might be people who havenot realised the power of now yet.

 IF YOU READ BOOKS, I WOULD SUGGEST *THE POWER OF NOW* BOOK. Go and understand how much we miss just by letting our present go worthlessly without a purpose, a meaning or something else.

You might ask me how to live in present?

My answer would be you just need to smile because when you smile you will be there in that moment and hence you live your present.

Now please smile, you look great when you smile:)


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