
 Hello Happy people ❤️

Thank you all for living in Gratitude.

I just wanna talk about a simple as well as a complex thing we

Compare, we all compare. WE all compare ourself with others. We think that someone else is doing great in their lives and I am not doing that great.

We all do this. Please text me, if you did not compare yourself with anyone through out your life and I will give an award 😂

Just joking...!

We all do it. We all are human beings.

We all should compare. I would say we all should compare ourself with others but not to make ourself down. It should make us strong. We should always compare ourself with others to learn from them, to work on ourself.

If you look at other person so successful, you should either appreciate them or do something or just sit quite. Don't say to yourself that you are less than somebody else.

Never ever compare yourself with others to put yourself down. If someone is good at smiling, learn to smile.

Don't say I don't have a good smile.Instead put your time to learn something.If someone has good knowledge, find ways to learn.If someone speaks so well, learn how to speak instead of saying I cannot do it.

I think the people who put themselves down are the ones who compare and are less powerful.If you want to be powerful, better, more efficient then work. Work towards making that happen.

There is nothing called best, perfect in this world my friend.The people you are seeing who are doing really good have started their journey with learning mindset.

They kept working on themselves every single day. Theydidnot made this happen in one day. It takes time and it takes your work too. Your heart too.

Just keep embracing yourself. Being yourself and loving yourself.

If you don't love yourself then who else will do?


Compare yourself with others.

Only when it helps you grow.

Only when it allows you to learn.

If it puts you down then don't compare.

Now smile😁


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