You donot know

 The growing seed donot know

that it will become a big tree.

The ugly caterpillar doesnot know

that it is going to turn out to be a beautiful butterfly.

The drops of water donot know that they will become an ocean one day.

You too donot know what you will become one day.

You have infinite strength in you.

You have everything with you.

You just need to know.

You just need to know...!!

- Shivani Kshirsagar 

No one will tell you more about you. You know about yourself more than anyone else in this world. You donot know what you are doing now is helping someone there.

You actually donot know everything you do conspires others to make a living.

Let me give you an example, if you buy a flower from a woman who is selling them on a road, she feels happy about it and feeds her family. You just took a flower for yourself but indirectly you are helping her to make a living. This is what life is you donot know that you are helping others in some way. You also donot know how god is going to help you.

This is life and we need to embrace it each moment. Now please smile. You look good when you smile:)


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