One day!!

 One day everything you are thinking of, everything you are dreaming for will come true. You will be surprised to understand the power of Universe. There is something in this universe which is mysterious. I always think how hours turn into day, day turns into nights, days and nights become months and years. Who might be working on this?. Is there any energy or a person or God who is guiding every planet to work this way. They rotate and revolve. These planets never stop. The air around us, the moons and the stars...oh my God everything feels like God has created all these things only for us.

He would have just left everything simple. But he made it beautiful and pure. 

We should be grateful for everything around us. Woww!! They just keep going:)

Let us all dream big and do big. Our Solar system is nurturing us with everything it can do. What are we doing to it?

You don't have to go to space and do something. Just be grateful now. You can step into space. Not a bad ideašŸ¤­

Now please smile. You look good when you smile:)


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