Knowing self!

Many times we might feel very low. We loose our confidence sometimes. It is because we compare our life with someone else's life. Why do we do this?
It is because we might not know much about our self than someone else. We try to think so much about others (in terms of comparing) and know more about them than thinking about our own self.
Many of us are in familiar with our own capabilities. There are infinite things we can do. Our mind has that power then why don't we think of doing things out of our comfort zones.
It might be very hard to start and keep going but if you do it everyday, you can easily make anything happen. One can be good at writing, one can be good at eating, others in dancing, singing or sleeping etc. It does not mean that you do not have anything. May be you are good at brushing your teeth, playing or just using a laptop. You might be good at operating your cell phone. Many others do not know this.
If you do not find anything, this is the least case to consider. But, if you work on yourself, you might know your talents, about yourself and all the things which you only can do in this world.
You are unique. Always keep yourself first. Be confident for who you are!!
See the magic you will create just by being yourself.
Now, you can smile. You look good while smiling:)


  1. So well said Shivani . Each of us is an important artist in the arena of life with our unique strengths and dreams and possibilities.. we do not want to be anyone but ourselves.. living out best potential


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