Why becoming someone else?

It has been many days since I posted. Many of my write ups are mostly about self love. Because I have seen the power of that. Earlier I didnot loved myself much, I donot know why but it might be the way I look like or the way I see myself with people's perspective. I hated myself a lot. I used to dream becoming someone else. Then I slowly started knowing myself. It took over a year or so for me to know what am I actually. I am a happy soul who laughs a lot and you know what?? I got to know that many people do not know how to laugh. They donot know the ways to be funny, clever and decent like me. I then realised that what I actually have is not there with many many people in this whole world. I should cherish what I have and what I am rather than just sitting dull and dead.
The moment I started respecting myself the way I am, I started carrying myself so confidently with a grace as if no one would do. This is what I knew from myself that I am unique..I am unique just by the way I am and it is all is needed to know. If I am unique, so you are. You need not worry about anything. You just be yourself and see the magic you create around yourself.
If you know who you are, what you can do, I think you would be more wiser and better than every other being in this world. After you know, you need to believe in yourself and your dreams. If you donot believe in your own self there will be no one who would do that.
It is you who had to do that. 

Now, please go and look at the mirror. You are simply amazing just by the way you are:)


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