Power of God

Life is all about experiences. Things which cannot be in our favour, we name it as bad and others as good. It is not about us on which good or bad depends. It is upon how we handle things when they are not in our favour. It is as simple as life. Life is very simple when we know the way how it can be lived but people often make it complex and don't even try to get out of that. This is because people don't need new experiences, nothing new. Everything should be same, normal and boring.
People become afraid from coming out of that comfort zone. But once we do that everything becomes easier.
See life is not same for everyone. Life do have its ups and downs but it never try to make us weak.
It just help us to get on to all the experiences and let us to know many things. 
When things doesnot act in your favour it means it's time for you to get out of that or you are not suitable for that. God gives us everything for which we are capable. He knows us more than our mother.
This is really a simple thing but following it may make our lives beautiful and surprising.
We must surprisingly and happily welcome everything into our lives because it can do only 2 things with us. It can either help us or teach us lessons of the mysterious part called life.
Be contented everytime with what you have and try to make yourself better day by day.


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