
Balloon story

Long time ago, there was one moment which I want to share with you all. I joined Art of living under YES+ program guided and lead by Aditya ji I learnt many things from yes+. It made me better. Kriyas, aditya ji ke baathe, niharika dii ke yoga postures, many activities we all do together and learn something out of it is truly a blessing.  I became a better person mentally after joining yes+. One of the memories which I remember is this. It changed me. I loved that activity. Let me share this with you. This was an activity. It was like a social experiment about earning money. We were told to collect 400 out of 140 in our hands. We started with different ideas but as we approached people to ask for some work many of them did not respond well. But everytime we were being rejected somewhere we thought that something best is going to happen. I dont know how this idea came to Nikhil annaya's mind. We bought few chocolates and balloonsπŸ˜„πŸ˜„....isn't it funny ?yes it was!! It was craz

Dare to laugh!

 You know why people go to grounds especially the old people just to laugh? It is because laughing is an exercise which makes our body and mind strong and energetic. You do not know your laugh would let others laugh. I have seen a video many days ago where a man in a train was laughing looking at his phone watching a comedy scene and the others who were seeing it were also laughing. Did he say all of them to laugh? He just did it right? It is said that we should not laugh loud. Especially when girls laugh immediately someone jumps in and says you are a girl don't laugh. I don't know where these alien people come from. Hahahah. But we should laugh. All our nervous system energizes when we laugh. Your laugh might also energize someone else too!! So why late...keep laughing as louder as you can. 


 Hello Happy people ❤️ Thank you all for living in Gratitude. I just wanna talk about a simple as well as a complex thing we Compare, we all compare. WE all compare ourself with others. We think that someone else is doing great in their lives and I am not doing that great. We all do this. Please text me, if you did not compare yourself with anyone through out your life and I will give an award πŸ˜‚ Just joking...! We all do it. We all are human beings. We all should compare. I would say we all should compare ourself with others but not to make ourself down. It should make us strong. We should always compare ourself with others to learn from them, to work on ourself. If you look at other person so successful, you should either appreciate them or do something or just sit quite. Don't say to yourself that you are less than somebody else. Never ever compare yourself with others to put yourself down. If someone is good at smiling, learn to smile. Don't say I don't have a good smil

Never ever!

 Never ever compare yourself with others. Never ever compare your life with someone else's life. Take something from them which inspires you. If you don't like something about someone either talk to them or just forgive the people for having little knowledge than yours. Don't be selfish. Don't think you are the greatest. Just be humble. Be like a kid. Explore everything you don't know. Help others. Be empathetic. Treat others as human beings and your people. When you feel this universe is yours, everything is yours, you will become more and more comfortable with yourself. Now please smile. It has been many days since I saw your smile 😁

Be humble!

 Be humble. No matter what! When you become humble, you become humble. When you become humble, you put your pride a side. When you become humble, you attract many great things into your life. When you become humble, you become nice. When you become humble, you become grateful. When you become humble, you see beauty all around. When you become humble, you smile, you shine, you grow :) When you become humble, you learn so muchhhhh!


Everything is simple.  If someone told something to you, don't react much. If others told something good appreciate them. If they hurt you, just forgive them. I have seen the power of forgiving others.  Don't put yourself as a very big personality. At the end of the day though you have so much money, status and position, you are a human being. So please forgive and take along everyone with you. Treat others not by the way they treat you, treat them the way you are! Life is very simple. Forgive people, you will lose your ego that's it nothing more or nothing less. Ego doesn't help you. Forgiveness does! So just be grateful and forgive. Just forgive others!

You are zero!

Life is easy very easy. We make it complicated. Yes, we do and I have told this many times.  We feel low sometimes. When do we feel low? When you compare yourself with others. What makes you dull? When you are seeing others light and not in you. You might compare yourself with others. You might think you are nothing. You might assume yourself as zero. When you think this way, I will tell you, you are zero. Only when you think you are zero, you become zero. Don't do that. Keep learning whatever comes on your way. Observe things around you. You need not do anything. When it's your time to express, don't step back. Keep doing your thing. That's it! This is life. Not many people smile in this world. So, just smile and Be happy. Don't go anywhere. Just do what makes your inner soul shine. Just smile like this! Everything will fall in place. Trust the timing.😁